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2024-2025 Theme: Perspective
The ability to see and express things with fresh eyes is a core characteristic of great art. And through art, Young at Art endeavors to teach students Perspective in all things: how to see the world with an open heart, how to understand themselves and others, and how to experience the different facets of life.
2024 - 2025 Young at Art - Mix of Six

Young at Art
Young at Art is based on the belief that art education should promote individual expression by providing the opportunity, the materials and the process from which children can create their own unique conclusions and solutions. The art experience for children should exercise their powers of observation and imagination. It should stimulate their motivation to learn, to make choices, to be flexible and to adapt, to be able to go from an unknown to a known and to make new experiences meaningful to each child's own way of thinking and creating.
Young at Art
Young at Art

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