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Young at Art
How are projects selected for Young at Art?In January of each year, each member of the Young at Art Design Committee receives a list of atists to contact to see if they would like to submit a project for the selection process; if they do, the DC member works closely with their artist to test each project with students ranging in grades K-8. Each project must meet all project submission criteria to be considered for selection: including, but not limited to a detailed lesson plan for a rich and meaningful art project, a background/history for the project, a supply list, student samples, a project presentation board, and cost limit of $1 per project.
How can I become a Young at Art docent?Contact your schools Young at Art School Chair(s) to let them know that you are interested in becoming a docent. At the very start of each school year, the school chairs are thrown curve balls to fill in docents for each class; often the entire grade-level of docents from the last year are all in the same class the current year making it necessary to recruit new docents.
How is Young at Art Funded?Depends, It is different for each school. There are 2 HBCSD schools. Hermosa Valley and Hermosa View work together as a team to raise funds to pay for all Hermosa docents & students to participate in Young at Art. There are 6 MBUSD schools. Each school is funded in varying ways. Each school manages some amount of fundraising (i.e. Note Card, Calendar, and/or Bake sales). School PTA's generously allocate an annual Young at Art budget in varying amounts that is paid through receipts from school chairs and invoices from Young at Art. There are 5 local, private schools that participate in Young at Art. There are 13 schools in all, Approximately 7500 students, that participate in the Young at Art program, which is a 501 c (3) Non-profit organization. Young at Art is 100% volunteer.
What can I do to support Young at Art?AWESOME! There are so many ways to particpate in the function and success of the Young at Art Program. Be a Young at Art Parent-helper in your childs classroom. Your childs teacher will work with the docent to create a schedule for 6 lessons. ASK when these will be taught throughout the school year. Become a Young at Art Docent for your childs classroom. Participate in Young at Art Fundraisers that specifically benefit your childs school. Attend your schools Young at Art Gallery to show support and take in the gradeur of the showing of student art. To see a public display of their artwork in a community installation is a vital part to the students creativity. Go to art museums and local art galleries when time allows.
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